Archives for June 2011

The #1 Reason You Aren’t Building Muscle!

So you're doing everything you can possibly think of to build muscle and gain weight.


  • Busting your butt in the gym
  • Eating more food
  • Drinking these crazy supplements
  • Following the muscle building magazines
  • Spending hours on Youtube trying to figure it all out
  • Reading TONS of articles
  • Signing up for countless newsletters

and at the end of it all, weeks later..... You still look EXACTLY the same as the day you started.

And because of this, you're frustrated, tired, pissed off, down, depressed and feel like giving up.

How do I know all this?


"I Know What It’s Like to NOT See Results"

To “slaughter” yourself in the gym and still not see any difference. To spend money on “miracle” supplements and none of them work. And the hopeless feeling of not knowing what the heck you’re doing wrong….

Yeah I've been there!!!

But ever since I figured out the "secret" formula if you will, to building muscle I get alot of questions.

And from the countless number of emails I respond to where guys tell me EXACTLY what they're doing to build muscle I've pinpointed a major common factor between most of them.

The #1 Reason You Aren't Seeing Results

The truth is... if you're reading this right now and you know you fall into this category I can tell you that there's a 99.9% chance that....

You're Simply NOT Eating Enough

That's right, the day I started seeing some life changing PERMANENT results was the day I realized I wasn't consuming enough calories each day to ALLOW my body to build muscle AND did something about it.

I used to think all it took was for me to suck down some "miracle" protein drink, nibble on a few snacks here and there and maybe eat a big breakfast and BAM muscle gains.

I'm going to tell you something right now that you NEED to realize.

How to Tell if You're Not Eating Enough

Put it this way:

  • If you're a skinny guy or a hardgainer and you aren’t constantly nibbling on food and eating every few hours, then you're NOT eating enough.
  • If at any point during the day you feel hungry or your stomach feels empty then you're NOT eating enough.
  • If you're trying to gain weight and build muscle and you’re “comfortably” consuming your meals for the day, in other words, it's not a "challenge" for you to complete each and every meals for the day then you are NOT eating enough.

This is such a a BIG mistake I see with alot of skinny guys and hardgainers that it's actually the very FIRST mistake I go over in my "30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide"

How to Get Over This Hurdle "Blazing" FAST

So I realized that alot and I mean ALOT of guys don't know what, when and how often to eat to truly build muscle and start seeing results.

And that's why...

"I've Included A PROVEN, Super Simple, Easy and Cheap, 30 Day Muscle Building Meal Plan In My NEW 30 Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide"

Beastly Body Part Training Manuals(Release Date: Thursday July 7, 2011)

I really want you to start getting the results you deserve, which is why I decided to include this Meal Plan with your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide.

So if you're not getting the results you want and you know your diet isn't up to par then you owe it to yourself to claim your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide while you still have the chance

In all honesty, when I release this training guide on my blog on Thursday July 7, 2011 this training guide MAY OR MAY NOT have a price tag attached to it.

BUT, I will be releasing this guide to a few select people absolutely FREE of charge who are REALLY interested, and ready to apply what I reveal in this guide to their lives.

So if you want to GUARANTEE that you'll get your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge FOR FREE then I highly recommend that you fill out the quick form below and put yourself on the Early Release Notification List before it's too late.

You might be kicking yourself later if you don't.

Train hard,


P.S. - I'm releasing my 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide on Thursday July 7, 2011

But I don't want people to DE-VALUE the life changing results this guide WILL bring, which is why I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about charging for people to get their hands on this guide. It covers ALOT.

BUT, I will be releasing this guide to a few select people absolutely FREE of charge who are REALLY interested, and ready to apply what I reveal in this guide to their lives.

So if you want to GUARANTEE that you'll get your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge FOR FREE then I highly recommend that you fill out the quick form below and put yourself on the Early Release Notification List before it's too late.

You'll seriously be KICKING yourself if you miss out.

The Ultimate Motivation Tool For Muscle Building

I like to survey my readers from time to time to see where at and what they're struggling with.

And surprisingly a lot of guys struggle with motivation. The truth is without motivation you can build muscle. You can't change your physique and you can't build the body that you always dreamed of.

And the truth is. There's a lot of advice and tips on motivation like how to stay motivated and how to get motivated.

Some motivation tips you might have heard:

  • set deadlines and reward yourself (if you hit them)
  • set deadlines and punish yourself (if you miss them)
  • talk to your future self
  • Visualize yourself in the future
  • Look at guys who have reached the success that you want

And the list goes on.

And don't get me wrong, these are all great tips and advice to help get you motivated and keep you motivated.

But there's one thing better than all of them combined

The Ultimate Motivation Tool... (RESULTS)

That's right, there's no substitute for results.

Trust me it's 10 times harder to keep going when you haven't seen any (or very few) positive results yet.

I literally spent months if not years busting my butt, breaking myself off in the gym, burning holes in my wallet (from buying muscle building magazines, "miracle" supplements, crazy TV gym gizmos) and more and NOT see an ounce of results.

And made me feel more than just FRUSTRATED... It made me feel HOPELESS.

Lemme ask you a question:

If you're reading all of these "muscle building" articles across the Internet, popping on Youtube watching workout videos, and following the advice of these muscle building and fitness magazines but you're not seeing any results, how long do you give yourself until your motivation goes down to zero and you ultimately give up?

Not long I would imagine.

But take for example...

If someone said do XYZ and you'll get 10 "HOT" Dates in 30 days, and you actually did XYZ and got 10 "HOT" dates in 30 days how hard would it be to keep doing XYZ so you can keep getting "HOT" dates?

Not hard at all!

Well, let's take that a step further...

"What if I said, do XYZ and you'll gain 10 lbs in the next 30 days, and you actually did XYZ and gained 10 lbs in 30 days how much of a BOOST would that be to your motivation and how EASY would it be to keep doing XYZ to keep seeing those results?"

Not hard at all right!

Well that's exactly what I'm about to do!

Introducing the...

30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide



This training guide will give you absolutely EVERYTHING you need to gain 10 lbs in the next 30 days.

I know that lack of motivation feeling is ultimately due to lack of results, and feeling like all your hard work is going down the drain.

And I know what an ADRENALINE RUSH it is to finally start seeing positive and PERMANENT results.

And that's why I created the 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide.

To give you a step-by-step plan of what to do, when to eat, what to eat, how to workout, even what workouts to do and when to do them, so you can finally get over the hump and start seeing the results you deserve FAST.

I'm releasing my 30 day build muscle challenge training guide on my blog on Thursday July 6, 2011

I can honestly GUARANTEE that this guide will change the way you look at building muscle.

And I REALLY want you to get over that HUMP and start seeing the results that'll INSTANTLY Boost your confidence and IGNITE your motivation which is why I decided to release this guide FOR FREE.

But I don't want people to DE-VALUE the life changing results this guide WILL bring which we typically do when we see the price tag of (FREE), which is why I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about charging for people to get their hands on this guide.

Which means I'm not sure how long I'm going to have this training guide available FOR FREE.

In all honesty, when I release this training guide on my blog on Thursday July 7, 2011 this training guide MAY OR MAY NOT have a price tag attached to it.

BUT, I will be releasing this guide to a few select people absolutely FREE of charge who are REALLY interested, and ready to apply what I reveal in this guide to their lives.

So if you want to GUARANTEE that you'll get your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge FOR FREE then I highly recommend that you fill out the quick form below and put yourself on the Early Release Notification List before it's too late.

You might be kicking yourself later if you don't.

Keep a close eye on your inbox this week because Wednesday I'm going to reveal to you the #1 Reason You Aren't Seeing Results, you definitely don't want to miss that.

Train hard,


P.S. - I'm releasing my 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide on Thursday July 7, 2011

But I don't want people to DE-VALUE the life changing results this guide WILL bring, which is why I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about charging for people to get their hands on this guide. It covers ALOT.

BUT, I will be releasing this guide to a few select people absolutely FREE of charge who are REALLY interested, and ready to apply what I reveal in this guide to their lives.

So if you want to GUARANTEE that you'll get your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge FOR FREE then I highly recommend that you fill out the quick form below and put yourself on the Early Release Notification List before it's too late.

You'll seriously be KICKING yourself if you miss out.

Your 2011 Muscle Building Transformation

make some noise
Creative Commons License photo credit: istolethetv


I have some MAJOR announcements for you guys and they all concern your 2011 Muscle Building Transformation.

If you're looking to FINALLY transform your body this year and bust out of your "skinny" frame then you're going to want to read every word of this post.

So first things first....

I finally graduated college (APPLAUSE.... CHEERS.... CONFETTI). And yes I've gotten most of my graduation celebrations out of the way.

And what's so great about graduating is that NOW I have the time and FOCUS to FINALLY impact alot of lives with all the things I've learned about building muscle and gaining weight.

Once I graduated I gave myself a goal. But not just any goal... a Big Audacious Hairy Goal, which is basically a goal that seems almost a little out of reach but close enough for you to say "I can do that!.... It'll be rough.... But I can do it!"

So what's my goal?

It's simple, I want to help 100 guys get from where they are now (struggling to see results) to where they want to be (CERTIFIED BEASTS)

In other words by the end of this year I want to be responsible for:


"100 Muscle Building Transformations"

It'll definitely be a challenge but I'm going to give my ALL to see it through

So how EXACTLY am I going to do this?

I'm going to do this in stages and the first stage is almost complete.

Stage 1: Beastly Body Part Training Program

Beastly Body Part Training Manuals
Jimmy and I are actually putting the finishing touches, on these guides and let me just say I was *SHOCKED* at how much I learned from Jimmy while we were putting these together.

These guides literally give you EVERYTHING you need to build your "BEASTLY" Body Part, it doesn't matter if you want to build up your Legs, Arms, Shoulders, Back, or Chest. These training programs will make them "BEASTLY"

When I compiled everything and put everything together even Jimmy was like "Damn, this is ALOT of tips". Why? Because I didn't want to just give you workouts and say "Go get 'em Tiger!". I wanted to give you the whole "SHA-BANG" so you can take what you learn from these guides and get INSTANT RESULTS!

So aside for the 10 Week Specially Designed Beastly Body Part Workout Plan

Here's what you'll learn from these Beastly Workout Training Programs:

  • 3 “Golden” Rules to building a BEASTLY Body Part
  • What foods you NEED to consume to build your BEASTLY Body Part
  • What Should You Eat and When to See Maximum Gains
  • What Are the Best Supplements to Use While Building a Beastly Body Part
  • Common Mistakes to AVOID For Maximum “BEASTLY” Results
  • Guide to reveal what level weight lifter you “really” are
  • How to use the tips, tricks and secrets revealed in this program for MAXIMUM results
  • How to use this workout program even if you’re currently on a strict workout plan
  • What You NEED to Know about Your Beastly Body Part
  • How to Track your Progress So You're CONSTANTLY Growing
  • .... And much more

Release Date: Friday June 10, 2011

* These Beastly Workouts will only be released to those who took action and filled out our questionairre and requested them a few weeks ago.

** These Beastly Workouts will later be re-released to those who are serious and able to demonstrate that they have everything in place to take full advantage of these programs and the life changing results that they offer. Release Date: To Be Determined

Stage 2: **The 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge**

Beastly Body Part Training Manuals
This guide will give you EVERYTHING you need to Gain 10lbs in 1 Month. This guide is designed for guys who are having a hard time seeing significant muscle gains in the gym.

If this sounds like you then this guide is for you.

This guide will be a GAME CHANGER when it comes to building muscle and I already know this is going to help ALOT of guys gain their first 10 lbs of significant muscle (the first step toward their Muscle Building Transformation).

How do I know? Because as I created the outline of what I want to be in this program, I sat there for a second and said "Holy CRAP, if I had this when I first started out I would've seen results like that (fingers snap)"

Release Date: SOON (VERY SOON)


Stage 3: **Project X** [Classified]

I'll release details about this as the time approaches but rest assured anyone who wants to go from where they are now to a "CERTIFIED BEAST" is not going to want to miss "Project X"

(I'm going to be quiet now before I spill the beans about this SUPER SECRET PROJECT)

Keep a close eye on your inbox because I'm going to be releasing alot of updates and ALOT of GOODIES to you guys that you don't want to miss.... TRUST ME.

Train hard,
